How Can You Tell if You Have Hard Water?

Water: it quenches your thirst, helps clean your dishes and and help Hard Water s soothe your jagged nerves during your late evening bath.

But not all home water supplies are of equal quality, and that’s a problem for some families here in the Birmingham area. Take hard water conditions, for example, defined by above-normal calcium and magnesium deposits.  Over time, hard water can damage the inside of your water pipes and the fixtures themselves.  It can require extra sudsing in the washing machine, extra shampoo to clean your hair, and can cause dry and itchy skin.


The higher the mineral content, the harder the water becomes. Luckily, hard water is not harmful to your health. But it can become a nuisance – and a costly one at that.  Here are some additional side effects and symptoms of hard water conditions:

  • Unpleasant taste, especially when heated
  • Lifeless and dull looking hair
  • Spots and residue on glasses after washing
  • Shorter lifespan for water pipes
  • Problems with your water heater, including increased energy bills
  • Rust-colored hot water

If you notice any of these signs, you should request an in-home water test just to be sure.  The good news is that hard water conditions can be turned around with – you guessed it – a water softening system.  Softened water is gentle on appliances, plumbing pipes, and fixtures. Soft water also requires less soap and shampoo to get your hair and body clean without over-drying. It also will leave your dishes and glassware sparkling without the need for chemical-filled detergents.

For even greater value, your water softener can be combined with a water filtration system to provide you and your family with pure drinking water that’s free of lead, iron, and other more serious pollutants.

For more information on what a water softening and filtration system can do for you, contact the water treatment professionals at Eagle Service Company today.