Benefits of Opening Windows in Winter

As soon as the colder temperatures settle in, it’s only natural to want to throw on warm layers,  indoor air quality shut all windows and indoor air quality, and stay in the warmth and comfort of our homes all winter long.

However, as tempting as it is to keep the cold out as much as possible, healthcare and HVAC professionals alike recommend opening our windows in the winter to ventilate our homes.

Keep reading to discover the many benefits of opening your windows during the winter months.

Prevent Condensation

Leaky windows, walls, roofing, and ceilings can cause moisture retention that can potentially contribute to toxins and mold growth. Unfortunately, mold can make you feel sick, nauseous, and dizzy. In some instances, it can cause severe respiratory problems and serious illness. Opening your windows can help to dry out condensation throughout your home.

Improve Indoor Air Quality

Did you know that indoor air quality can be up to five times more polluted than outdoor air? The good news is that just 15 minutes of fresh airflow a day can significantly reduce indoor pollution and dilute any toxins from candles, cleaning products, and more. And don’t forget to check your furnace filter every 4 to 6 weeks and replace it as needed to further improve the quality of the air inside your home.

Decrease the Risk of Getting Sick

Winter is a time when we spend more time indoors; it’s also when we see an increase in illness such as colds and flu. Many health experts agree that this uptick in cold and flu viruses could be due to the stale, recycled, air we breathe. Opening your window for only a few minutes a day can drastically reduce your risk of becoming ill.

Improve Clarity and Mood

Not only will your physical health benefit from open windows, but your mental health could get a boost as well. Several studies have shown that better air quality can improve cognition and decision-making ability. What’s more fresh, crisp air can help raise oxygen levels in your brain, increasing serotonin levels and contributing to feelings of happiness and relaxation.

Better Smelling Home

Nobody likes that stuffy house smell or the smell of lingering food odors. Just as pollutants get trapped inside a closed-up home, so can odors. Regularly opening a few windows for short periods of time each day can help rid your home of stale air and unpleasant odors, greatly improving the scent of your home.

Open Windows With Care

Cracking a window or two open for just 10 to 15 minutes a day should be enough to ventilate your home without putting excess pressure on your heating system. Of course, on milder days, you may choose to leave windows open for longer periods of time. Just be sure to check the outdoor air quality before doing so to make sure you’re not inviting more pollutants than you’re letting out.

At Eagle Service Company, your health and comfort is our top priority. That’s why we offer comprehensive heating maintenance, repairs, and installation. If it’s been a year or longer since your heating system was given the attention it deserves, or if you’re worried your existing system may not make it through another winter, contact us today for a free in-home evaluation and new system proposal.