Easy Home Upgrades & Cleaning Tips

If all you ate for breakfast, every single day, was Cheerios, grapefruit, yogurt, or whatever your favorite food item might be, how long would it take for you to become sick to death of it?  Or, what if you were “allowed” to watch movies at home, provided you watched only the same one – how long before you would give up watching it?

The point being, doesn’t the same thing happen at home Home Upgrades & Cleaning Tips when no changes are made? No new paint color, no new photos, no new bedspread or window treatments…just utter sameness for years on end.

Perish the thought and start thinking about how to spruce things up around your house simply and affordably.


Easy Home Upgrades & Cleaning Tips


Add some bling.

A new light fixture, framed mirror, or a piece of artwork will draw attention to itself and make an entire room look new.

Give it the royal treatment.

Even though you clean as needed and more thoroughly on a regular basis, when was the last time you had your home deep cleaned? Fear not if you don’t have the time – there are plenty of cleaning services around to take on the task for you.


Forget the new sofa and love seat if all you want is a fresh look and some new vibrant colors, both of which can be accomplish with throw pillows or a cozy throw. Have a living room mantle adorned with items of little to zero visual interest? Grab some ideas online, check out friends’ home, and go for it.

Out with the old.

Sometimes, the best way to fall in love with a room is to declutter and organize. Whether it’s a closet, your kitchen cabinets, or that spare bedroom that has become a catch basin for off-season clothes, make the time to get rid of items you no longer use or need – donate what you can – and set up a system that includes a place for everything.

Play musical chairs.

How about simply rearranging the furniture? Try pulling large pieces away from the wall, place your bed in the corner, or “go shopping” in your own home and see if you have anything in one room that might work better in another.

Eagle Service Company Can Help

Okay, now you’re starting to see the possibilities, but one or two ideas are thwarted by the placement of your floor heating and cooling vents. Eagle can relocate them for you. Or, let’s say you’d like a fresh new look for your bathroom, but a total redo isn’t in the budget. Once again, count on Eagle Service Company to suggest and implement lower cost ways to add bling, water savings, and new functionality.

For more information or a free home upgrades & cleaning tips proposal, contact Eagle today.