Home Water-Saving Fixtures

Nobody denies the value of conserving water. And yet, in conversations with many of our customers, we know there are concerns that water-saving fixtures might require relinquishing a certain amount of convenience, not to mention water pressure. Now, Eagle Service Company is here to say, “You can have it all.”

Home Water-Saving Fixtures

Take showerheads, for example.  Standard models use 2.5 gallons of water per minute (gpm) while WaterSense showerheads use 2.0 gpm or less. The WaterSense label also ensures these products provide a satisfactory shower, equal to or better than what you now experience.

By switching to a WaterSense model, a family of four could save 2,900 gallons per year. Since a low-flow showerhead also places less strain on a water heater, you can expect to save roughly 370 kilowatt hours of electricity per year – enough to power a house for 13 days.

Big picture, let’s say every home in the United States installed one WaterSense showerhead.  That would result in annual water-bill savings of more than $2.2 billion per year while also conserving roughly 260 billion gallons of water.

Looking elsewhere in your bathroom, WaterSense faucets use a maximum of 1.5 gallons per minute. That can lead to 30% reduction in water consumption when compared to the standard flow rate of 2.2 gallons per minute…again, without sacrificing performance.

To learn more about conserving water at home or a free quote on replacement bathroom fixtures, including installation, contact Eagle Service Company today.