Should I Replace My Water Heater

Some things are much more difficult to leave behind than others. Take, for example, moving into a new home. No matter how exciting the future might look, it’s still tough saying good-bye to your current home water heater, neighbors, and all the rest.

And yet, saying good-bye to your water heater isn’t nearly as difficult. You don’t love it, you just love the hot water it provides. But once that ability is either gone or seriously compromised, it’s “outta here” and onto a better and more reliable system.

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All of which begs the question: Is now the right time to say farewell to YOUR water heater? It might be if any of the following conditions exist:

Frequent Repair Problems

As water heaters age, sediment builds up on the bottom of the tanks. As sediment is heated and reheated, it eventually hardens, wasting energy and using up heating capacity that goes to waste. Common symptoms include a banging noise emanating from inside the tank and, of course, hot water shortages.

Leaks from the Storage Tank

As metal heats, it expands, and thus can cause your storage tank to crack and leak. Any number of causes are at work here, including a corroded anode rod, a hole in the tank itself, a loose pipe fitting, and others. Each of these problems is associated with accumulated wear and tear.

Rust-colored or leaking water

If your hot water turns rust or brown in color, you have interior tank corrosion – a problem that can’t be repaired. Internal tank corrosion (caused by hard water build-up) also can result in storage tank cracks and leaks.

Your System is More than 10 Years Old

The typical storage tank system will last 10 to 15 years. That leads many of our customers to proactively replace their system before it reaches the end of its effective lifestyle. Why? Because they know that, sooner or later, repair issues are bound to arise, so why not replace it now and save some money.

If now’s the time to replace your water heater with a more reliable and energy efficient model, contact Eagle Service Company for a free in-home assessment of your hot water needs and a new system proposal.