How to Prevent Water Leaks

Murphy’s Law states that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Not exactly a cheerful and positive thought, is it? Yet, it’s an adage that speaks to the importance of being prepared for anything – good or bad. Like a water leak, for example. A leak can occur at any time wherever water-carrying pipes are installed. Fortunately, most household leaks are minor, easy to detect and, with swift action, cause little to no damage.

Then there’s the other kind of leak – the kind that can take place when no one is home. Perhaps you’re away for the weekend or on an extended vacation and for whatever reason, have chosen not to shut off your main water line valve.  After all, how can your neighbor come over and feed your cat or water your plants with no running water?

But the harsh truth is that if you’re away and leave the main water valve open and a leak occurs – whether from a cracked or burst pipe or the water heater – it can create a huge mess, lead to mold build-up, and even cause structural damage to your home.

Okay, enough of the bad news. Let’s talk solutions.

Benefits of an Automatic Water Shut-Off Valve

As the name suggests, an automatic shut–off valve shuts off your entire home’s water supply to stop a leak in its tracks and prevent it from causing damage to your home. These valves automatically engage the second a water leak is detected. And, with the addition of line-of-sight sensors throughout your home, you don’t need to worry about leaks of any size and the resulting damage they can cause.

At Eagle Service Company, we provide plenty of options:

  • Install a valve that protects only one area of your home, such as the kitchen, bathroom, or where your water heater is located.
  • Install a network of sensors to protect the most sensitive areas.
  • Or install a whole-house system for the utmost protection.

Usually, our goal is to keep water flowing through your faucets, fixtures, and water-using appliances. But when it comes to leaks, we’re all about making it stop, and fact! Contact us today for a free water shut-off valve and line-of-sight sensor proposal, or for any other plumbing need.