Plumbing Problem or Plumbing Emergency

It’s hard, if not impossible, to create a plumbing list with two columns:  “Plumbing

Emergency” heading for one column, and “It Can Wait Until Tomorrow” for the other.


That’s like having one list each for best and worst movies of the year…there’s simply

no way you’re going to get universal agreement.


But, for the sake of simplicity, most plumbing experts, along with members of the

public, agree that the following are true or potential emergencies worthy of calling for

plumbing assistance right away:

Plumbing Problem or Plumbing Emergency


  • Water Leak – A burst pipe not caught in time can lead to major water damage. In fact, even if you catch it early on but don’t know how to shut off your main water valve, you’re facing grim possibilities.  So, if you can shut off the valve, do so right away and then call a plumber to prevent any further damage.


  • Blocked Drain – More often than not, home owners can unclog their own sink drains…but not always.  If you’re finding the task impossible, beware of other water sources in your home as they can back up too.  Either way, consider it a plumbing emergency.  After all, why wait for a problem when you can prevent one?


  • Clogged Toilet – If you have just one toilet, an unmovable clog can be a major problem. Before you contact a plumber, turn off the water supply valve to that toilet. Close the lid too as a reminder to your famiIy that the toilet is off limits. Then call a plumber.


  • Broken or Leaking Water Heater – If your water heater is leaking aggressively, there’s no way to contain it and prevent the water from spreading. So, shut off your main water supply before taking further action. Or, what if there’s no hot water?  We’d call that a plumbing emergency, too!


  • Backed Up Sewer Line – If the backyard is suddenly a swamp that doesn’t smell so great, your sewer is probably backing up. It’s only a matter of time before the excess water finds its way into your basement – perhaps even those of one or more neighbors. That’s another plumbing problem that requires immediate attention.


Here at Eagle Service Company, we know plumbing problems don’t always happen at the most convenient times. So if you’re in a jam, contact us for prompt action and high-quality service…just like our many customers have come to expect.